important, now u-boot supports EFI\Grub startup mode in all images. i.e. if you install any image on eMMC\NVMe. new u-boot with EFI\Grub support will be installed automatically and it will be easy to run any "old" or "new" system that uses the startup mode with extlinux.conf or with EFI.
New version ArmbianTV 20221111 of edge images with core 6.1.
Added support for NVMe and WiFi.
I checked the installation of the system on NVMe - everything works, the system starts with NVMe, while the SATA SSD disk is also visible and accessible. This will allow you to have both a small NVMe (expensive and fast) to accommodate the system and frequently used directories and a large SATA SSD (large and cheap) to accommodate large archives\data).
Armbian kernel 6.0-rc3
Altlinux kernel 5.19.5
Armbian kernel 6.0-rc4 (edge) and 5.19.7 (current)
Armbian kernel edge 6.0-rc6 , current 5.19.10 , legacy 4.19.232
Altlinux kernel 5.19.10
important, now u-boot supports EFI\Grub startup mode in all images. i.e. if you install any image on eMMC\NVMe. new u-boot with EFI\Grub support will be installed automatically and it will be easy to run any "old" or "new" system that uses the startup mode with extlinux.conf or with EFI.
Armbian kernel 6.0.7 and 5.19.17
Altlinux kernel 6.0.7
See the image name, versions with DE XFCE have "desktop" in the name
It depends on the format, some require additional packages with the necessary decoders. Check for yourself.
Added support for NVMe and WiFi.
I checked the installation of the system on NVMe - everything works, the system starts with NVMe, while the SATA SSD disk is also visible and accessible. This will allow you to have both a small NVMe (expensive and fast) to accommodate the system and frequently used directories and a large SATA SSD (large and cheap) to accommodate large archives\data).