Test result: 20211124 with 4.19 kernel (Legacy) Armbian_21.11.0-trunk_Station-p2_bullseye_legacy_4.19.211.img.xz: works well
Armbian_21.11.0-trunk_Station-p2_bullseye_legacy_4.19.211_xfce_desktop.img.xz: works well 20211208 with 5.16 kernel (Edge)
Armbian_21.11.0-trunk_Station-p2_bullseye_edge_5.16.0.img.xz: boot success, HDMI and LAN work, but USB keyboard not work.
Armbian_21.11.0-trunk_Station-p2_bullseye_edge_5.16.0_xfce_desktop.img.xz: not bootable.
Oh, yes, the upper USB is not working. It's my fault that missed your former information.
And I found that 5.16 with desktop is bootable today...
I have not figured out what prevented my machine booting yesterday... Maybe it's an accidental event? But I have tried multiple times in yesterday...
Anyway, much thanks for your great effort in it! So happy to have a clean OS with modern kernel.
Oh 5.16 is not bootable again... Seems that successfully boot is the "accidental event"
I downloaded these image again and compared their hash to prevent corrupted files. They are consistent.
However, keyboard is working under initramfs now, and UART to USB bridge is on the way. I'm ready to help you debug.
try these steps. If the system does not start, turn off the device, pull out the SD card and insert it again using a thin screwdriver or something else. I have encountered this problem many times on p1\p2\m1\m2, the SD card is not fully inserted into the card reader, although the latch will work, but the contacts are not fully installed (there is a very inconvenient hole for installing the SD card, you need to enlarge the hole so that you can install the SD card completely into the slot with your finger, now this hole is very small and the SD card often does not fit as it should, you have to insert it several times in a row). If the USB keyboard is working, try not to pull out the SD card, press Ctrl+ Alt+Del (a combination of a software reboot), sometimes it helps if the system did not have time to synchronize time with the network.
hmmm... I don't think so.
I think it means that at least some basic startup operations have been done from the SD card when I see "initramfs" prompt, and "uname -a" command gives me "5.16 kernel" output. So, the r/w of SD card should be OK. Anyway, I tried to tighten the card firmly and nothing changed.
Ctrl + Alt + Del makes me boot from EMMC and I get into 4.19 OS in it. Shall I erase it?
In order to avoiding missing some important information, I recorded a boot screen video with USB capture card, please visit: https://shaohan-my.sharepoint.cn ... bTiju-c9qg?e=9UYvZf
Stopping in Initramfs means that the system could not access the SD card and mount it as a root partition (/). You can try to additionally burn the same image to a USB storage medium and connect it to USB 3.0. If the system starts, then the reason is poor reading of the SD card. For proper initialization of the SD card on the experimental core 5, I recommend a complete power off at each reboot or shutdown (turn off the power supply from the outlet and wait a few minutes). There is no need to erase anything in eMMC, the system can work completely from external media.
My little box is not willing to boot from USB drive, It was directly boot from emmc... Whether it's on 3.0 port or 2.0 one. I'm using a USB 3.1 drive (sandisk ultra fit).
Complete poweroff for a few minutes not take effect, but it seems make sense, because the only time I successfully started it was this morning, after several hours of poweroff. More testing is needed.
Could you please give me some more suggestions?
It looks more and more like a random event.
The same card, the same time burn with etcher, I just plug and unplug power adapter idly, it boots successfully... I didn't forget to type uname -a and ensure that is the edge image, but reboot at next time, it fails again...
Seems that picture is not shown as expected.
Please visit:
https://shaohan-my.sharepoint.cn ... nhF3vrTrvw?e=c3s1hb
It's a onedrive link, it's safe.
Test result:
20211124 with 4.19 kernel (Legacy)
Armbian_21.11.0-trunk_Station-p2_bullseye_legacy_4.19.211.img.xz: works well
Armbian_21.11.0-trunk_Station-p2_bullseye_legacy_4.19.211_xfce_desktop.img.xz: works well
20211208 with 5.16 kernel (Edge)
Armbian_21.11.0-trunk_Station-p2_bullseye_edge_5.16.0.img.xz: boot success, HDMI and LAN work, but USB keyboard not work.
Armbian_21.11.0-trunk_Station-p2_bullseye_edge_5.16.0_xfce_desktop.img.xz: not bootable.
Use other USB ports on the device. The upper USB 2 port does not work on the 5.16 core
Oh, yes, the upper USB is not working. It's my fault that missed your former information.
And I found that 5.16 with desktop is bootable today...
I have not figured out what prevented my machine booting yesterday... Maybe it's an accidental event? But I have tried multiple times in yesterday...
Anyway, much thanks for your great effort in it! So happy to have a clean OS with modern kernel.
Oh 5.16 is not bootable again... Seems that successfully boot is the "accidental event"
I downloaded these image again and compared their hash to prevent corrupted files. They are consistent.
However, keyboard is working under initramfs now, and UART to USB bridge is on the way. I'm ready to help you debug.
try these steps. If the system does not start, turn off the device, pull out the SD card and insert it again using a thin screwdriver or something else. I have encountered this problem many times on p1\p2\m1\m2, the SD card is not fully inserted into the card reader, although the latch will work, but the contacts are not fully installed (there is a very inconvenient hole for installing the SD card, you need to enlarge the hole so that you can install the SD card completely into the slot with your finger, now this hole is very small and the SD card often does not fit as it should, you have to insert it several times in a row). If the USB keyboard is working, try not to pull out the SD card, press Ctrl+ Alt+Del (a combination of a software reboot), sometimes it helps if the system did not have time to synchronize time with the network.
hmmm... I don't think so.
I think it means that at least some basic startup operations have been done from the SD card when I see "initramfs" prompt, and "uname -a" command gives me "5.16 kernel" output. So, the r/w of SD card should be OK. Anyway, I tried to tighten the card firmly and nothing changed.
Ctrl + Alt + Del makes me boot from EMMC and I get into 4.19 OS in it. Shall I erase it?
In order to avoiding missing some important information, I recorded a boot screen video with USB capture card, please visit:
https://shaohan-my.sharepoint.cn ... bTiju-c9qg?e=9UYvZf
Stopping in Initramfs means that the system could not access the SD card and mount it as a root partition (/). You can try to additionally burn the same image to a USB storage medium and connect it to USB 3.0. If the system starts, then the reason is poor reading of the SD card. For proper initialization of the SD card on the experimental core 5, I recommend a complete power off at each reboot or shutdown (turn off the power supply from the outlet and wait a few minutes). There is no need to erase anything in eMMC, the system can work completely from external media.
My little box is not willing to boot from USB drive, It was directly boot from emmc... Whether it's on 3.0 port or 2.0 one. I'm using a USB 3.1 drive (sandisk ultra fit).
Complete poweroff for a few minutes not take effect, but it seems make sense, because the only time I successfully started it was this morning, after several hours of poweroff. More testing is needed.
Could you please give me some more suggestions?
It looks more and more like a random event.
The same card, the same time burn with etcher, I just plug and unplug power adapter idly, it boots successfully... I didn't forget to type uname -a and ensure that is the edge image, but reboot at next time, it fails again...