Last edited by lonewolf31 on 2022-4-10 21:26 Editor

Chiaki is a Free and Open Source Software Client for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 Remote Play for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Android, macOS, Windows, Nintendo Switch and potentially even more platforms.


#Project Status
As all relevant features are implemented, this project is considered to be finished and in maintenance mode only. No major updates are planned and contributions are only accepted in special cases.

You can either download a pre-built release or build Chiaki from source.

#Downloading a Release
Builds are provided for Linux, Android, macOS, Nintendo Switch and Windows.
You can download them here.
  • Linux: The provided file is an AppImage. Simply make it executable (chmod +x <file>.AppImage) and run it.
  • Android: Install from Google Play, F-Droid or download the APK from Sourcehut.
  • macOS: Drag the application from the .dmg into your Applications folder.
  • Windows: Extract the .zip file and execute chiaki.exe.
  • Switch: Download the .nro file and copy it into the switch/ directory on your SD card.

#Building from Source
Dependencies are CMake, Qt 5 with QtMultimedia, QtOpenGL and QtSvg, FFMPEG (libavcodec with H264 is enough), libopus, OpenSSL 1.1, SDL 2, protoc and the protobuf Python library (only used during compilation for Nanopb). Then, Chiaki builds just like any other CMake project:
git submodule update --initmkdir build && cd buildcmake ..make
For more detailed platform-specific instructions, see doc/ or switch/ for Nintendo Switch.

If your Console is on your local network, is turned on or in standby mode and does not have Discovery explicitly disabled, Chiaki should find it. Otherwise, you can add it manually. To do so, click the "+" icon in the top right, and enter your Console's IP address.
You will then need to register your Console with Chiaki. You will need two more pieces of information to do this.

#Obtaining your PSN AccountID
Starting with PS4 7.0, it is necessary to use a so-called "AccountID" as opposed to the "Online-ID" for registration (streaming itself did not change). This ID seems to be a unique identifier for a PSN Account and it can be obtained from the PSN after logging in using OAuth. A Python 3 script which does this is provided in scripts/ Simply run it in a terminal and follow the instructions. Once you know your ID, write it down. You will likely never have to do this process again.

#Obtaining a Registration PIN
To register a Console with a PIN, it must be put into registration mode. To do this on a PS4, simply go to: Settings -> Remote Play -> Add Device, or on a PS5: Settings -> System -> Remote Play -> Link Device.
You can now double-click your Console in Chiaki's main window to start Remote Play.

This project has only been made possible because of the following Open Source projects: Rizin, Cutter, Frida and x64dbg.
Also thanks to delroth for analyzing the registration and wakeup protocol, grill2010 for analyzing the PSN's OAuth Login, as well as a huge thank you to FioraAeterna for giving me some extremely helpful information about FEC and error correction.